Private Brain Gym Consultations

Brain Gym® is a program of easy physical movements that synchronize body and mind to optimize how we learn and perform in all areas of our lives.

Rebecca Holt is a licensed Brain Gym consultant and offers private Brain Gym sessions. Sessions typically last sixty to ninety minutes and start with you choosing a goal. A goal can be something you wish to accomplish, or some potential within yourself that you would like to develop.

The following are examples of goals people choose:

  • To easily organize and write down my ideas.
  • To read faster and remember what I read.
  • To feel confidence in front of an audience.
  • To complete a project I have started.
  • To take on a new challenge with energy and enthusiasm.
  • To learn anything faster and more easily.

Becky will then guide you through a process of choosing and performing the activities that will best meet your needs. These activities, which may range from small movements of your eyes or hands to easy whole-body movements, allow you to access the skills, abilities, and mental attitudes you will need to accomplish your goal.

The process, derived from Educational Kinesiology, is called a "balance." It is complete when you feel and demonstrate improvements in your goal-related learning and performance abilities. Most people notice some kind of change almost immediately; so sometimes a single session is enough to experience the desired changes. Brain Gym is a very cost-effective process that allows you to easily and rapidly accomplish your goals.

Read more about how Brain Gym facilitates learning.

Brain Gym® is a registered trademark of the Educational Kinesiology Foundation/Brain Gym International, Ventura, CA.

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